Make Yourself Happy

Written by: Urooj Sarfraz

Lahore (Punjab)

Happiness is a feeling of prosperity, satisfaction or joy. Happiness is the name of a mental and spiritual condition. It's a feeling of enjoying your life. A blissful man Is he who is impeccably happy with his life and is by all accounts getting a charge out of everything.

 Happiness is the secret to all beauty. There is no beauty without happiness. (Christian Dior)

Everyone wants to feel as joyful as possible. Our entire effort is focused on achieving this objective. Everything we do is intended to increase our level of happiness. Despite this, nobody in this world is truly happy. Happiness is not something you can catch like a fish.

Our Happiness depends on conditions outside of our reach that it isn't feasible for any Man on earth to be completely blissful. A man may be wealthy, have all the luxuries of life but if he is suffering from any disease, he can't enjoy any blessing of life and remains dissatisfied.

Even if we ourselves are satisfied with life, the sorrows and miseries of our friends influence us and make us unhappy. It was this that made Sophocles say that no man ought to be called blissful till he is dead.

Make Yourself HappyImage by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay
Finding satisfaction in the outside world is the primary reason for this failure. Nothing, not even your favorite item, your favorite person, or the career you develop, can bring you happiness until and until you first experience it for yourself.
True happiness exists within us and our expectations of happiness.
Money cannot purchase happiness.
Happiness cannot be found in all of the physical things we see around us. Only we have the power to truly produce happiness because we only acquire happy emotions through thinking nice things.  Don't fill your mind with depressing and negative thoughts about you or the world. Try to identify every positive in a circumstance and accept what has already happened, whether good or unpleasant.
 " *The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts."
(Marcus Aurelius) *