The value of Reputation

Written by: Urooj Sarfraz

Lahore (Punjab)

Reputation is a spontaneous mechanism of social control in natural societies. Our reputation is the general opinion that other people have about us. What people think about a brand, person, business, product, or service is known as their reputation. One of the most powerful forces in humans is belief.

People who have maintained a good reputation in society are respected, but those who have not typically encounter more difficulties in life. The social position of a person in society is determined by reputation.

Reputation is built up on character.

Character resembles a tree and notoriety like its shadow. The shadow is our thought process of it; the tree is the genuine article."

The building is more difficult than destroying. An excellent reputation involves work, perseverance, and time. One minute of carelessness is all it takes to ruin a good reputation. Reputation is important for business organizations. Reputation risks the damage to the value of a company's brand name caused by negative public opinion. Reputation risk is anything that has the potential to damage the public's perception of any organization. It is a hidden danger that can pose a threat to the survival of the biggest companies.

The value of Reputation

Social media has made reputation risk sceneries even more dangerous for business as consumers can quickly take to their accounts and share experience with global audiences. Also, Breaking news sources can also easily disseminate information on multiple platforms.

Reputation risk can lead to a number of negative consequences including;

•Loss of revenue

•Loss of current clients


•Bad will on behalf of public

People talk about you and your work, judge you by it, or try to assess whether it is good or bad. Good reputation will help you to boost your career.

it's harder to build than to destroy. An excellent reputation requires effort, endurance, and time. It just takes one moment of error to ruin a good reputation.

Build Your Reputation

•Be sincere with others.

•Be real in your professional relationships.

•Accept responsibility. If you are wrong then you should apologize to the next one.

•Listen first, talk second.

•Share authority, responsibility or credit.

Lastly, people’s reputation is an important component of their existence since it defines their worth in society.