Written By: Arooj Shahbaz.


Yesterday I was just laying on my bed and thinking that how all of us misperceive others based on a single event. Many of us faced criticism at some point in our life as usually people just say what they think is true. We just ignore the practical part of thinking and just make assumptions about others. Like most of us usually hear things like "how much negative thinking you have", "you did this wrong way", "you are imperfect" , and " you are weird " , why didn’t he/she talk much I think he/she has an attitude. We just say these things to others without realizing what might they feel. The most heard phrase of my life is "why you are so negative".
At once this thing hurt me to the depth of my soul but later on, I realize, why should I feel hurt over these nonsense things, those people didn’t even know me. Then I realized there is a need for awareness to know the difference between what they think and what the reality is. As people say you are negative so ask them what is negativity?. Did they even know what negativity is?. Let’s clarify the term that what is negative thinking. "Negative thinking implies a point of view unfavorably about yourself and your enveloping". Perceive how effectively we mark such things without knowing the specific setting of the expression. It is equivalent to marking yourself or others as a patient of sorrow without understanding that it's simply pressure that you are going through and it will disappear in couple of hours perhaps.
Image by mohamed Hassan from Pixabay 
In today’s world, we become so much judgmental about others that we lose the essence of emotions. You might be labeling a person with such statements that might hurt him/her without knowing his/her past or present or why he/she become this way. Let’s make the terms clear let’s define the judgmental approach. This awareness begins with understanding what it means to be judgmental. An article in Psychology Today best describes what it means to be judgmental. “Someone is being basic when their choices are power-driven, non-thoughtful, considering their curious characteristics or tastes, unreasonably established on others' character, and are closed, shallow, and skeptical, and eventually have the result of causing the other individual to feel hazardously reduced."
It is very hurtful to see when educated people are doing these things, even though they have adequate knowledge. So it is the need of the hour to spread awareness about the judgmental approaches we have toward others. To eliminate such approaches we need to start from ourselves and let's just say it out loud to yourself I'm not the one that the others say about me. I'm the only one who knows who I am and use the same approach for others as well and let's just accept the flaw because it is a saying " Be happy with yourself, Learn from your mistakes, Own your peculiarity, and know that you are just perfect as anyone else".