7 Proven Ways to Speed Up Your Instagram Growth

Written By : Urooj Sarfraz

The internet has been constantly growing since the beginning of time, which means that it will keep doing so as well. If you want to remain at top of the competition in 2018, you have to take advantage of all possibilities. As much as we can’t say how this is going to happen, there already is an answer to how to make the most of our social network. With the help of these tips, you have more chances to become an influencer.

1) Take Care of Your Account Stats

The first thing that should be done in order to get maximum results from Instagram is to know how many likes you have. You want to see what your followers like so that you can show them content that interests them. It also helps if you have noticed that people follow you to stay updated and not just a random click. So, always remember about their stats and analyze them. For example, your followers might follow you because they liked one of your photos. Or, maybe you have got good comments on your post. That means people are interested in what you’re saying and feel like talking to you. What this means is that being active on Instagram allows you to increase your engagement rate.

Now, let’s take a look at how you can improve your account stats, and whether or not to use two different statuses.

2) Change Your Username on Instagram to Talk More About Yourself

We live in such advanced times, where everything happens instantly, so every second matters. We have heard stories about celebrities who died when their brand was new, but their friends were still following them. At the end, if you don’t even have any following, you will lose everyone and no one will care about what you want. In this instance, you try hard to tell your story about yourself without giving out any information about yourself. You know what kind of picture you like and what makes your heart racing. You should also know what hashtags your social media followers use and what keywords do they search in Google. Not only you will learn which topics your audience is following and how engaged they are, but you will also find a huge number of opportunities for advertisements. After all, Instagram works with advertisers in a very precise way. So, whenever you have something to promote on Instagram, you need to change your username. Don’t forget to update your bio as well.

3) Use A Different Profile Picture

You have thousands of images of yourself, so why not add another photo in your album? Just go ahead and switch up your pictures until you are satisfied. This is not very easy, but it’s worth the work. In case you cannot find anything else but your previous one, simply go for it. It’s easier than adding the new photo into your profile picture.

4) Show Engaged and Active Accounts

One of the reasons why there is less engagement rate and less engagement is that these Instagram accounts hide their authentic messages. One of the questions you can ask yourself is “Why aren’t these real accounts showing engagement rates?” There are many accounts where a person is trying hard to appear successful without having actual posts or updates showing any results. So, always try your best to tell people that you are a successful blogger, artist, writer or something similar to your job. Also, always remember about the hashtags you used in your posts. They can help you reach more eyes in those areas. Be active on each of your photos so that you can be known as an authentic personality on your feed and show that you know what social media networks your followers use. That not only shows that your image is genuine, but it also highlights that you are ready to engage in conversations. Make sure you check out some other accounts in your feed to give them a boost.

7 Proven Ways to Speed Up Your Instagram Growth

5) Follow Other People

Another great way to improve your performance is by knowing what accounts are followed by your fans. By paying attention to their posts, you can easily figure out what hashtags and keywords do they share. Now, do you know exactly what type of content they post to their feed? Then look for things like similar articles or people’s videos. Try to follow their feeds and observe what they are posting, and study their posts for a better understanding of the topic. You can also follow the same accounts on all the social media networks like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn. Follow other creators whose style you like and learn from their mistakes and insights.

6) Share Content from Competitions

You can follow some bloggers with whom you enjoy writing content for their blog. Start reading what they write and give your thoughts on what they have written. When you notice that it sounds interesting, go ahead and start working on it. As soon as you finish working on that, come back to write it. However, you need to understand that there should be absolutely no plagiarism. Do not just copy the same article from someone else and call yourself a success. Instead of copying it, make sure you look at it critically and think about it from a new perspective. That way, you will get an idea about how you can modify it in some way.

7) Stay On Top of Trends

Do you want to be an expert in a particular field? Bloggers, artists, authors, singers can become influential leaders in the market if they know how to keep up with the latest trends. In order to stand out in this competitive sphere, you need to look for relevant keywords. For example, if people who read your posts love writing about photography, then you should also include that word in your Instagram profile name as well.

If you think carefully about it, you will realize that every minute counts, so you should focus on making sure that your Instagram is keeping you at the top of your game.